Welcome to ACC Nation featuring sports news and special guest interviews. Here's Will Ogenan and Jim Quist. This is ACC Nation's Duke Football Preview with the publisher of the rival site, Devils Illustrated, where he covers football, basketball, recruiting, and a whole lot more. Sharing his thoughts in the 2024 version of the Blue Devils is our special guest, Connor O'Neil. Thanks for joining us, Connor. Thanks for having me, guys. Will? I wanna get into the something off field first because one of the things I've seen, before we get into the coaching teams, I've seen they've done some upgrades to this to Wallace Wade. And today, it was announced that they, added something called the devil's deck. Could you provide a little insight on that? Yeah. You have to forgive me because I'm it's fresh in my mind, and it's a little fuzzy because it's just out there. But I think I saw somebody compare it to what NC State has behind one of their end zones where they've got, kind of a it almost looks like a temporary structure, but it's kind of a party deck type of thing. I think Duke's rendering had an area for long games, which I assume is more your cornhole than, like, what's what's the game with the bocce ball? Like, I always I always just think of the game that they have at the at the nice grass courts at Pinehurst that don't have anything to do with golf. Yep. So I think a Pinehurst that don't have to do anything with golf. Is good enough. That that's upper end stuff. Yes. Maybe crook is it is croquet? Croquet. Yeah. Croquet. Pachi. Right? Yeah. So I don't think that's gonna be, like, save your save your hoity toity, Duke jokes for that. I think it's gonna be more cornhole bags for for those who wanna argue about what name they call that game. But, that kind of, like, I think there's a bar too. It looks like just kind of I don't wanna say your run of the mill way to spruce up a game day atmosphere, but it seems like it's that type of idea, that everybody is kinda looking for unless you're Georgia or Alabama or Tennessee or you know, everybody everybody's kinda trying to figure out how to entice people to still come to games when it's a lot cheaper to watch them at home. Right? The one thing I do think is interesting that's kind of been lost in the excitement about it is it takes Duke's capacity from 40,000 to about 35,000. Right. Which, if I'm not mistaken, makes them one of the lowest, power 4, I gotta get used to saying that, but one of the lowest power 4 stadium capacities in the country. I know it's not the lowest because I also cover Wake Forest, and I know they're, like, 3 15 in, their their home stadium. So it it takes the capacity down. I'm sure it'll be worth it if if they can get people in there. And if you win, then people show up, and and you can fill out however many seats that you have. As an aside, if I if I tried seeing cornhole here in my neck of the woods, nobody would know what I'm talking about. But Is it is it bags up there? Nope. I think so. It's like it's like the soda pop thing. You know? Oh, really? We we say pop up here. Yep. But, anyways, let let's get into the on field stuff, Lisa. And we have a new coach, Manny Diaz, comes in after, I would say he just he got treated terribly at Miami, and I I'm glad he's getting another opportunity. And, honestly, I feel like this is a great landing spot for him. Yeah. I think so. He, like you said, he got the short end of the stick in Miami. I think you don't even have to hear that from him. You can hear it from people who were at Miami when it happened. He, you you kind of hesitate to call it a career rejuvenation because, like you said like like we've said, he wasn't that bad at Miami. It didn't really warrant a firing in the way that they went about it. But he really did some great stuff at Penn State the last 2 years with their defense. And so you kinda knew he was gonna get another shot at being a head coach. I think his I think his record in 3 years at Miami was something like 24 and 16, something in in that neck of the woods. But, you know, it's it's a good spot for him to land. It's a good coach for Duke to have, that has the ACC experience, has the pretty decent pedigree, coming from Penn State, being a head coach before. We've got an added bonus where the one of the biggest things that people talk about with Manny Diaz taking the Duke job was his strength and conditioning coach at Miami. David Feeley, is is very much renowned in college football circles. He's picked up a couple, like, strength and conditioning coach of the year, national awards in the last few months. He because Mario Cristobal, when he was hired, brought his own guy from Oregon, David was out of a job. So Mike Elko was pretty smart and hired David Feely, and that's a big reason why Duke had the quick turnaround that they had to win, what is it, 16 or 17 games over the last 2 years. So Mike Elko does goes to Texas A&M, and there were actually initial reports out there that, like, David Feeley was leaving to go to Texas A&M. All of a sudden, Duke hires Manny Diaz, the guy who hired him to be Miami strengthening conditioning coordinator. And so Duke was able to hang on to David Field. And that's kind of you know, you're gonna sometimes when you, you know, you guys know anybody that follows college football knows, a lot of times when you have a new coach, the new coach comes in and talks about how he has to build the new culture, and he's gotta do all this shifting of philosophies. And they don't have to do that at Duke, And a lot of that has to do with the building blocks that David Feely's already been putting in to the program for the last 2 years. I was kinda fascinated looking at the quarterback situation that coach Diaz brought bro both Malik Murphy and Grayson Loftus to media days. Now we know Murphy is the highly touted one coming from Texas. He was kind of in a numbers crunch, obviously, with Quinn Ewertz and Arch Manning Arch Manning Arch Manning Arch Manning. But I feel like the doing that kinda says, hey. This is this isn't, you know, necessarily Malik's job. Is that the case? So I'll I'll be careful here. Duke really wants it to be a quarterback competition. Like, Duke does not want the appearance or, illusion that the job has just been handed to Malik Murphy, and they've gotta go through the bells and whistles of calling it a quarterback battle. But giving Malik Murphy the vast majority of first team reps, there's that's not what they've said. You know, practice will start. Here we are recording this on a Monday night. Practice starts in, I don't know, I think about 13 and a half hours from from when I'm saying this right now. So we'll see what happens when it's actually out there. But for all intents and purposes, they wanted to be both of you guys have an equal shot at winning the job. Honestly, in the spring, there were moments where Malik Murphy looked like he was gonna be you know, I I saw this comparison in the summer, so it's kinda fresh in my mind. He might be another Anthony Richardson where he gets in there and he's so toolsy and can make all of the throws and then some that the NFL teams will salivate about and has the arm strength and and that kind of, build that that they can really buy into spending a high draft pick on him. There were other times that it looked like Grayson Loftus was the best quarterback on the roster in the spring. Right? Like, he can he can do a little more with mobility. Malik Murphy is not a runner. He is a pocket passer. So my opinion is I don't think Malik Murphy was brought to Durham to be a backup quarterback. I will hold on to that opinion until I I guess if I see a few practices and it changes my mind, I I'm not gonna say that I'm gonna hold on to that belief until the opener. But but that's gonna be my thought process moving forward until proven otherwise. The running back room is is interesting. Obviously, if Jacquez Moore running back coming back, but there's some depth in there. But from what reading some stuff from my I get the sense you really like this running back room. I really like the first two. I think Jaques Moore is is very good. You know, I I I don't know if you can really count on many running backs in college football to have a 1000 yard seasons because they're all in such timeshares now unless you just have an absolute horse like Omari and Hampton. But I I really think Jaquez Moore is gonna have a good season. I'm a huge fan of Peyton Jones. He was a freshman last year, and they they you you go into the season thinking that you're gonna need 4 running backs, and he was the 4th running back in the pecking order when all of them were healthy. And Duke just kinda stayed healthy, which is what you want out of that position, but it meant that Peyton Jones didn't really get to show as much during the season as we saw from him in fall camp. So I think as long as his progression has continued, which in the spring it looked like it had, he's gonna be one of the breakout young stars of maybe not the ACC, but, like, the this neck of the woods in the ACC. When you're when you're thinking about the teams that are not expected to compete, for the ACC championship, if you get what I'm saying. Mhmm. This receiver Oh, I'm sorry. No. This is gonna bring up the receiver room. Sorry. Yeah. No. I was just to add, past past Jaques Moore and Peyton Jones, I I don't know. They've they've gotta find some answers there. They've got a couple transfers in. They're both I think they both have the same build, and it's, like, 5 foot 10, 225 in that range. Like, they've got they've got some bowling ball builds to them, so we'll see how they shake out, here in the next, like, few weeks that we get to see them. This receiver room, let's say, it's got some some, depth too. I would say I don't know if I would call it depth, but there's definitely some experience there plus, with with, Jordan Moore and Samir Higgins. Plus, you got Eli Paynkol back after missing the whole season. But what's the depth like there? Because I don't I don't really know a lot about the people behind them. They need guys to step up behind them. I mean, I think you know what Jordan Moore is gonna be. I thought Samir Haggins was due for a bit of a breakout season, and he you know, threw some of his own doing and some not. Duke was a really good rushing team last year, so some of the receivers didn't really have the numbers that I thought they would have going into the year. Samir Hagen is a little little disappointing last year to me. Eli Penkel coming back. I think they missed him a little more than I gave them prudence to in in going into the season. He's a good deep ball threat. He's a big bodied receiver, but they've gotta get some guys behind them. Spencer Jones redshirted last year. He's a he's a huge body. They've got a a really small and quick receiver named Sean Brown, who's actually from just down the road from me in Kernersville. Shout out to East Forsyth High School. He's I I think he's on the come up. Just just looking to get a shot. They've got another one. That's a little bit like Sean Brown named Caron Boyd. I think he's actually listed as a running back on the roster, but I think they're gonna move him all around. That was at least that was the plan with the previous staff, and I think it's not that much of a deviation for the the plan with him, whether sometimes he'll take snaps in the backfield and take a direct handoff. Other times, he'll motion out and be able to get a mismatch on a safety or a linebacker or something like that and and be able to turn on the jets and go past them. So those are kind of the guys I'd have my eye on. Not sure if there's anybody in the freshman class that I trust enough to say they're gonna come in to make an immediate impact. It's just I I don't know about that yet. Given all the newness on the offensive line and just loaded up on grad transfers on the portal, is this a situation where we're really really not gonna know the the best line until we get into the to the season a bit? Oh, I I can tell you, I have no idea what the what it looks like right now. And like I said, we're we're 13 hours away from them starting camp. I it's I've I've never seen a spring game like I did for Duke, back in the spring when they had 5 offensive linemen. And so they could play 11 they could play 11 on 11 when one group of the offense was out on the field. Otherwise, they had to play 7 on 7, and the defensive line could only take, like, 2 or 3 steps forward, and then they just had to stand there. It it's a complete, you know, remodel, makeover, wholesale transition. Like, it it as much of one of those as possible without Deion Sanders being your coach, that's what Duke has on their offensive line right now. It's a little disconcerting. And when you talk about Murphy being a a pocket passer, and if he is going to be the guy who starts for the dukes, then this offensive line, this question that you just presented to everyone, wow. That that that's worrisome. You wanna go a little further into that and and, talk about some of these transfers that that maybe will be able to step up and fill these spots that are that, were basically savaged by, you know, graduation in the NFL? Yeah. I mean, it's it's not like they lack bodies now. In the in the spring, they lacked bodies, but that was just a a numbers game of who they could get on to campus and who they had to wait for to enroll in the last couple months. I I mean, I think they have 4 good tackles to choose from. One of them was on the team last year, Brian Parker the second. He actually started it. You know, that's the little trivia question if if you wanna make it a trivia, but he started for Graham Barton in the game against Notre Dame. Graham Barton's a 1st round pick. I believe he was a 1st round pick of the Bucks. He's he's got the experience. I think he's good enough. James Hogerelk, I think is how you say it, comes over from Stanford. So he's a little intra ACC transfer. Zachary Franks is a huge body coming from Northwestern, and, the other one, I think, is Bruno Fina, whose dad was I believe the name was John Fina for the Bills back in the eighties nineties. So they've got 4 you want you know, any offensive line coach will tell you they need more than 2 tackles. You wanna have 3. And if you can get a 4th, that's a luxury. So I think Ducat has 4 tackles to choose from. The other good returner they have is Justin Pickett. He has played a lot on the interior the last 2 years. I would pencil him in to start at 1 of the guard positions. And then the the one thing that you can really count on with Duke over the last 2 years that I think is gonna continue because of what I talked about with David Feeley is they've been able to bring in these offensive linemen from the Ivy League that, you know, they they they distinguish themselves in the in the Ivy League, but you're used to saying, okay. Well, that's FCS football. You're not gonna get offensive alignment from the FCS that are able to just come in and play really good football for an ACC school. They've done it the last 2 years because you've you've kinda you know, it's it's tough to say, but you get guys that have had not the greatest, facilities, not the greatest support staffs in the world, and you give them enhancements in all those areas, they can get bigger and stronger and faster a lot quicker than if they stayed at their schools. So that's where Duke has had a lot of success in that range, and they'll they'll they've got a few Ivy Leaguers coming in, on the interior. Some of the names escaping. I think one of them is Eric Sean. One of them is Mike Barr. I think Mike Barr is the one that they like at center. And it's not just Ivy League. Like, it's, it's Patriot League. It's it's guys from that level of football that you wouldn't expect to look at and say, oh, yeah. This guy from Lafayette, he's gonna be a a real difference maker on the offensive line. But that's that's what they've done over the last 2 years, and, you know, it's a new staff. So if there's doubt there, it's it's warranted. I just think that the track record with what Duke has been able to do, is there to trust that they're gonna get some guys that fit really well at Duke and and do what they need to do? Here's the thing to remember that most of us forget conveniently is that there's only so many slots available at FBS schools. And some of these kids are gonna fall through, and they'll end up at FCS schools, put a little time in, get recognition, and that's these are the people that you're talking about, Connor. There are a lot of players out there that can make that transition. And as you said, if they have the right staff, it'll make a big difference. Quick question for you before I go back to Will. Manny Diaz coming into Duke, what is you know, now that you had a little bit of time and you've heard other people talk, including media people, what's the overall impression of Manny Diaz taking over the Duke football program? I think it's pretty favorable at this point. It's a fit that, you know, maybe is not obvious, but when it when it when it's presented back in December when they were going through the coaching shirt coaching search, it makes a lot of sense. Mike Elko was successful. He was a high level defensive coordinator. Okay. He leaves. Go get a high level defensive coordinator. Yeah. As I mentioned before, like, it's a step up that you got that type of person, and he's been a head coach before. Mike Oco had never been a head coach before. It's look. I mean, Duke is realistic. Duke didn't think they were gonna go out and hire the next Kirby Smart or or the next Nick Saban, if Manny Diaz works out like that, Manny Diaz women's 5 national championships at Duke and is there for 25 years, then great. That that's wonderful for Duke. But you you you get what I'm saying? They're, like, there's there's realistic expectations here. And you can you can talk about all the cliches about, you know, the standard being excellent. And, yeah, it it all sounds good, but it's also based in reality of Duke has a long way to go to climb the mountain. You don't know if Manny Diaz is the coach who's going to get them to the mountain top or if they'll ever get to the mountain top. What you do know is they've got a good fit, and they've got somebody that if they support him and he's loyal to them, then they think that they can continue progressing in whatever this world of college football that that has been created now. That's a good way of putting that. Hey, just in case anybody wanted to know, I understand that Urban Meyer was available also. So, Will, it's yours. Oh god. Urban Meyer. I don't know if I got anyways, so let's let's look at the defense real quick. And and, obviously, you're going from a defensive minded coach to another defensive minded coach. Do you is there gonna be much of a philosophy change defensively? I think there is just based on kind of of things Manny talks about. And I'm saying that not really having been around him as much as I would have liked to be in the last few months. I think there is more of an emphasis on creating negative plays and playing aggressively. Not to say that, the preface here is so important not to say that Mike Elko's defense just sat back in, rush 3 cover 8 for the duration of games, they were certainly aggressive. I think there's just gonna be a little more emphasis on creating negative plays, creating turnover plays, and that's gonna lead to some bigger plays. Sometimes you might give up that 60 yard touchdown, because you left somebody on an island, and then there was, you know, a mismatch or something like that. And that's what defensive football is. It's it's taking away 2 things and leaving a third thing exposed. So I I think that you'll see a little a little higher TFLs for for linebackers and safeties. I think the points per game also might rise a little bit with that. So looking at some of the some of the thing, I it feels like the name that it's the name that doesn't get out there a lot, but Trey Freeman looks like somebody who could be a very big, piece of this defense. Look. I I I honestly watched quite a few Duke games last year, but never don't even remember don't even remember. What can you tell me about Trey Freeman? It's funny. He's he's a hometown guy. And I remember the spring game in 22 was I think that was after his freshman year after he redshirted and and not played any for a team that was 3 and 9 and winless in the ACC in 2021. Mhmm. And he had a great spring game. And I remember we talked to him at after that spring game, his family was all around. His mom was telling us, yep. That's my baby. You're gonna be talking to him a lot. Number 12. So I went into 2022 thinking, you know, Trey Freeman, like, that's a name to watch. Well, I'll I'll need to figure out where he is in the linebacker pecking order. He could be a starter by the end of the season. And then, you know, Shot Guy Hayward had a great season in in 2022 at middle of the linebacker. He was very durable also. Shaqai Hayward missed the bowl game. The the military bowl against UCF, he did not play. And all of a sudden, there's Trey Freeman. I think he led Duke in tackles in that military bowl. And it was kinda like, okay. I was I was just 12 games late, but I was on the Trey Freeman bandwagon. And so I was able to kinda bang the bang the drum going into last year. Like, hey. This guy is gonna be a difference maker. He's he's gonna be really good in the middle of the defense to be a good defense. I I this is this comes over from baseball and watching how my Baltimore Orioles have been built. To be good at defense in any sport, you have to be strong in the middle. And so Duke has been for the last 2 years with the defensive tackles they had in Dwayne Carter, Jamion Franklin, and Aeneas Peebles. And then with middle linebackers, Chaka Hayward and Trey Freeman. And with the safeties they've had, Darius Joiner, Jalen Stinson, Terry Moore a little bit last year, they're really good up the middle. And so it's really important that Trey Freeman is back because they're missing the pieces of the defensive tackle, and they have Dylan Stinson back. Terry Moore is back, but we'll see what the what the rest of the secondary holds up. Yeah. Obviously, a lot of lot of games are 1 in the trenches, and I'll be honest with you. Like, this I I feel like this Duke defensive line's a bit of a question mark just because there was a lot of attrition at that position after last season. Where where do things stand there? No. It's you're I look at it from 2 two viewpoints, and neither one of them is very favorable going into the season. Number 1, you lose so much production. Dwayne Carter was so valuable to this team for 3 years. Jamion Franklin transferred in from Notre Dame and was an immediate difference maker. Aeneas Peebles didn't even start last year, and he was one of the most coveted defensive tackles in the portal and is gonna be playing to later in the season with Virginia Tech. RJ Obin was a decent edge rusher, and he was decent enough to the point that Notre Dame didn't just want Riley Leonard. They wound up with RJ Obin also. So you're talking about 4 premier players on the defensive line. And I tend to think it's tough for teams like Georgia and Alabama and Clemson to replace 4 difference makers on the defensive line going from 1 season to the next. It's even harder to do it at a place like Duke where you maybe don't have that pipeline of the talent to come through year in year out. So look, I I think that Wesley Williams is gonna be really good. He he stepped up last year and was one of the breakout players on the team. I think they're kind of waiting on Vincent Anthony junior. He's played a lot in his 1st 2 years. He's needed to gain weight. Each of those 2 years, he gets moved off the ball way too easily. They brought in a transfer from Liberty, Kendi Charles, who they're hoping for big things in the middle at defensive tackle. But but, yeah, there's there's a lot of question marks on that defensive line, and I don't think we're gonna have the answers to them until that that you know, what you were talking about with offensive line. I think we're not gonna have the answers of who the difference makers are on the defensive line until a couple games into the season. I'm gonna jump into the schedule, because, arguably, I don't think they have a challenge until week 5 when they play North Carolina, which is I mean, you can look at it one way or the other on week 5 whether you think North Carolina is gonna be a challenge or not. But then thereafter, it it becomes the grind of the ACC. So is it advantageous to have those 5 weeks of, I'm not gonna say they're cupcakes, but cruising, you know, a little bit, getting up to speed? Is that is that gonna be a good thing, with this team based upon everything that we're hearing from you? And then, you know, will they be ready? Hopefully, after 5 weeks of play, they will be to take on that grind. I gotta put eyes in the back of my head because I got my schedules behind me here. I actually kinda disagree. I think week 2 at Northwestern in a stadium that holds, what, maybe 12 or 15,000 is going to be a weird atmosphere. It's a 9 o'clock eastern start. So you run into the that kind of weirdness of is is the East Coast team, ready to play a game that starts at 9 on on their biological clock or whatever? I think that's a little bit of a trap game and a tricky game. The last time went to Northwestern 2 years ago, they had to, stop it. Was it a 2 point conversion or a touchdown or something? They had to get a play at the goal line, to win the game in the last couple seconds. But I I I do I do see your point. Like, it's it's easier to see Duke getting off to a 4 and o start than it is, I think, like, a 3 and 1 or 2 and 2 start. So I do think there's gonna be a little bit more of a proving ground when you step into that first game against Carolina, that ACC opener. Actually, I did a story in the past month or so about, I think the Carolina game is probably the most important game on Duke's schedule. It's it's kind of the 1st marquee game for Manny Diaz as Duke's coach. They haven't beaten Carolina the last 4 years, and the last 2 have come in painfully excruciating fashion. I mean, just I don't wanna come on here and complain about referees. We already talked about refs when I came on in the summer and talked about the That's okay. We can do it, because, honestly, they have been building up cache, and they deserve it. So Yeah. So, like, it it it's just hurt. The the other the one thing I the last time Duke beat Carolina, Daniel Jones was their starting quarterback. Like, that's the kicker. Right? Yeah. Like, you see Will's eyes kinda bugging out. They're like, yeah. It's been that long. And so that's the that's the that's the one to keep an eye on. I mean, we're not on the team. We can talk about it. That's the one that I wanna see to to kinda really provide a measuring stick of where this team will be this year. So, if if I go to that game, I'm gonna be up there playing cornhole and, and and drinking Merlot. So, just you know? And I'll I'll tune in every once in a while to see how the game's going. Just make sure you're paying attention in, like, the 3rd Q4 because these last 2 years they've played Carolina, it's been it's been back and forth. It's been some of the best football that I've seen over the last few years. No. I'm I'm making light, obviously, of of Duke, North Carolina, and Virginia all have this sort of, wine and cheese crowd going on. You know, whether there's any truth to that. Who knows? What do you think what do you think about the the the end result of this season? Is this a team that that hits a bowl? I think bowl is somewhere between, toss-up and kind of likely. I I don't think there's any illusion. Like, I used that word already, but I don't think there's any premise that this team should compete for an ACC championship. Right. If they do, then great. Then, you know, we're gonna be talking about Duke's 1st year coach winning ACC coach of the year for the 2nd time in 3 years. That that will just be the case if he's in the ACC championship game or just comes up a game or 2 short. But what I think the realistic goal is and should be is throw out the records. Just maintain the positive trajectory that's been established over the last 2 years. Just keep the thing moving in the right direction. Don't don't get wayward. Don't sidetrack. Don't, you know, take a step backward because that would hurt you. Yeah. There there's no doubt about that. It it should be obvious, especially with with how much uncertainty there is with the ACC, with the TV contracts, all the all the exasperating stuff that exists in the periphery when we actually start playing games. Like, you don't wanna be going into that, in the off season after a 4 and 8 year. So based on what Duke has done and based on that just dark cloud looming over any college football team that isn't, one of the blue bloods, I think it's really important to at least have the 7 5 season with a bowl game. 6 and 6 season, you sneak into a bowl game. Who cares if it was a pre Christmas game and somewhere that, you know, had little fanfare. You just wanna you want those as opposed to the alternatives. Right. Exposure is great for recruiting, and there's money in in your, in your wallet. So, you know Be good be good enough that you can be on the same same sideline as a Pop Tart. The second Pop Tart bowl reference I've I've had today. Spread out over about 12 hours. So Sorry. Beats the hell out of having mayonnaise dumped on you. So Oh, yeah. You know. Yeah. Yeah. If I was the head coach and I won that ball, I would I would make my assistant straw straws for that one. Yep. Yeah. Yep. Your your contract depends on that. Anyway, Will, you wanna, wrap up with anything? I think we covered it. I think, yeah, I think I my just extended sort of a real 3 is I feel like a bowl is a good a good step for this season, and anything else is a bonus. Yep. So looks good. You know? I mean, you know, for the most part, you're talking about when you're starting out and you've lost all these players, and then it's a it's a rebuild to some degree, and I I think it's gonna be a lot quicker with Manny Diaz at the helm. I think he's as you guys have, discussed earlier, I think this is somebody that is an ideal coach for Duke. And I think he's he's going to as you're pointing out, Connor, you wanna continue building and and moving forward. And I think this is the guy to do it. So, you know, get out there and play some some cornhole and watch some football, man. What can I say? So it's all good. It it'd be nice if they had a media day for us. They just let us hang out there for, like, an hour or so. Yep. I think that that needs to be pushed. In fact, we're pushing it here right now for those who are, you know, listening. Hey. MSP is 15 minutes for me. I I can get there in no time. No problem. I mean, we don't we don't get to play golf at the ACC media day anymore, so why not at least give us a media day at these stadiums to Yep. Play some baseball. That's right. Or just be us. Yep. You're not missing the golf, brother. I'm telling you. Our ACC Nation Duke Football preview of the publisher of the rival site, Devils, illustrated. Our special guest, Connor O'Neil, thank you, sir, for joining us and providing a great look at the 2020 version of the Blue Devils. Thanks for having me. Appreciate it, Gar. Thanks for listening to ACC Nation. 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