Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls household pets of all Ages. Welcome back to the last wave on K gm. Welcome back to a fresh 45 ish minutes of only the smoothest video game music on the planet. My name is Ham. I'm your host. Maxing and relaxing all cool in the K gm beach Shi studio and beautiful Aqua City. Thanks so very much for hanging out with me. If you're new to the show, I appreciate you checking us out, I sure hope you enjoy your stay, and what's not to enjoy, u, Unless you're opposed to jams. And if that's the case, I'm sure there's a murder mystery podcast with your name written all over it. But if you like Jamming out, you've come to the right place, you can tune in live every other Sunday 08:30. And Pacific Standard Time on 8 beats radio, playing nothing but Vg 24 7. Of course, you can subscribe to the show wherever you subscribe to other shows. If Our website is K g and radio dot com for all show downloads, track listings and merchandise, and as always, If you've got something special you want play it on the show, let me know kb g radio g dot com and I will play it on the show. And listen tonight. Told you, we were gonna go back to the white album on the Ps 3. And I wasn't Josh around. We went back in a big way with that opening. Track that was morning sun composed by Shiny Ish ka. I mean, what a way to open your eyes, roll out of bed and greet the morning sun. I'm not much of a morning first myself. I enjoy sleeping in. Not too late, but, you know, 07:38 o'clock. That's perfect. I'm ain't trying to beat the morning sun from rising. I'm not that kind of zen buddhist. I like sleeping in maybe some morning La, a breakfast. Coffee. I'm off the races baby, and we're off to our next track. On the Pc. It's from a game called deep. The composer is Meg. It's definitely got that buddy caught vibe. We've come to love so much here on the last wave. Take a listen. Oh, good grief. Who let the dogs out. Ie aye. That was a track from deep on the Pc composed by Me. What's deep all about? I'm so glad you asked. You play as a bartender on a luxury cruise liner, who, well, how do I sugar coat this? I guess you can't... If you really wanna know what this game is about you can go to the visual novel database and see yourself. Because this is a kid friendly ship after all, you know, mother approved But it sounds like a terrible game for terrible human beings enough of that nonsense. Let's head to the sega Dream cast for something a little the dream here. It's from Tom Q. Here's illuminated by spotlight composed by doors, music entertainment, and joy. Okay. Okay. Okay. Here we go. Now we're living it up. Now we're feeling real special. Thanks to doors music entertainment as always. That was illuminated by spotlight from Tom Q on the Sega Dream cast. The premise is simple. Players team up with Cupid Mel. And trying to get couples to hook up with each other, or of course find a girlfriend for yourself. This is the kind of game the kids can play with the door wide open. Mom and dad can walk by, no problem, sure there may be implied sexual content, but that's anything you can think of. Speaking of sexual content. Let's head back to the x 68000 for another track from Kim, NI0, Here's no regrets composed by He to. Check it down. Regrets none, whatsoever, just lessons. Yeah. There we go. Take that 1 to the bank. That was no regrets composed by Hide, Take for Kim, Me I o on the x 60000 by sharp, the computer of the future. This is a track that's been meaning to find itself on the show since the show's inception. Kinda forgot about it. To be honest until it randomly shuffled on my ipod nano, and I was like, dang. Okay. Yeah. Thank you for the friendly reminder. How about a little to s ne uno to wet your whistle. This one's from Kim Knee steady. It's called moving Sunday, at Ta is the composer. Let's take a listen. If Sunday had a soundtrack, this is a pretty good trick to get you up and move. It's from Kim N steady on the playstation. Ta is the composer. It's called moving Sunday. Right Let's check out the official manufacturer's description of the game, quote, it's time for our guy to find a girlfriend. That should be no problem since he has a childhood next door girl and 8 others to chase after. He has to get to know the girls vin date them. While getting closer to them. Can he find a girlfriend or 3 when Christmas comes in quote, I mean, two's company, three's a crowd. Am I right? Yeah. U. Yeah. Of course I am. Alright. Let's head over to the Nintendo switch for a track from planet snow globe. Here's star world. Late show, the composer on the soundtrack include Shinji, Don Mar, and R Mi, enjoy. That was Star World Late show from the Nintendo switch visual novel planetary snow globe. The composer include Shinji. Don Mar and R Mi. This is sugar and spice and everything nice. Of course, when you look into a snow globe, it's a perfect world captured. In a snowstorm. When you don't shake it, everything is chilled. But when you shake it up, that's when life as we know it changes forever, at least, until you stop shaking it. But that's life. Right? You know, you wanna shake it up if you want something a little more exciting. But if you wanna just chill, don't rock the j bucks. I wanna hear some Jones because my heart ain't ready for the rolling stones, true words have never been spoken. Okay. Alright. Hello. How about a track from Shin ka Kent D s on the Nintendo Ds, unknown composer, check it out. Does it get any better than this when it comes to qualification examinations on your Nintendo digital system them. I was a track from Shin Kent D s on the Nintendo Ds composed by somebody who knows how to put a little boo, He step. Let's head over to Amazon Japan for a 1 star review, Circa 2011 titled disappointing. Quote, The test started suddenly, and there was no explanation for the answers to the questions. I was disappointed in everything. There was no way you can answer it. Questions without studying. I wish they had at least included an explanation quote, you and me both. Okay. Let's take a moment to buck life with this next extract from Na Mo, Ash B on the playstation portable. It's called sorrow and beauty, Su is the composer. Take a listen. I mean, this is what it's all about right here. This is both sorrow and beauty. In 1 and 3 minute package. That's how you do it. That was so beauty composed by Su for Na, Mo, Ga grew aura on the Ps. We've heard from this game before it's everything you like about visual novels and the palm of her hand, Again, kids feel free to keep the door open for this 1. The only sexual content is what goes on and inside your mind. Speaking of what goes on inside your mind and outside. Here's a track from Honey cam studio on the Pc. It's called finger blast, night number 3 and was composed by Jonathan Wan dag, joy. Real gamers know the term finger blast refers to playing arcade fighters like Street fighter. Right? Right? Right? Yeah. Right. Okay. That was finger blast night 3 composed by Jonathan Wan for honey cam studio on your personal computer, and I don't know what you're all thinking. So let me just stop your brain from hurting too much. In Honey cam Studio, you run a cam show business and hire girls to work for you. Among other things like shopping, go into the spa, stripping. There's a maximum of 20 girls in this game. So plenty of option And when it comes to video game music podcast, I know you have some options out there. I'm glad you chose to listen to the last way of on K gm. I sure do appreciate it. Before we go, let's head to the super fam con for the ending to apache slot research. To ta is the composer, check it out. Ending Pa slot research, Ko, super family computer, what more is there to say. This has that jazzy triumphant sound to it that lets you know, not only did you do a lot of slot machine research, but you did all of the re... Search. Congratulations. And thanks again for tuning back into the show. There's so many ways to show your support. I truly appreciate all of it, As simple as leaving a rating or a review on Apple podcasts or Spotify, telling friends and family and family friends, You can subscribe to our Youtube channel for mix types of all the shows, track uploads, and a livestream stream radio, all the last week hits. And, of course, a big big way. To support us is by becoming a member of the Patreon and by doing so, he'll get access to some pool perks, including an exclusive show every month. The last wave after dark And before we go, I've got a special request from listener Steven. It's from Mario sports superstars on the Nintendo of 3 d. Here's Gulf, Crystal Beach composed by Mat toys Sa ra, and as always, my name is Ham. Your host, and this is the last wave.