Hello friends, lovers, friends of lovers. Lovers of friends. You're tuned in and listening to the last wave of on K gm, playing 45, fresh minutes of only smooth video game music, Bg, For the cool kids at home or at the office. And if you're listening to the last way of at your office place, you're probably the coolest kid at that office. Congratulations. My name is Ham. I'm definitely the coolest kid in the K gm studio, but A may not be the coolest kid on Aqua City Island. That honor belongs to Hammer had early, the coolest shark around town. Anyways, thanks for kicking it with me for what should be 1 heck of a show. If you haven't already, you can't sit subscribe to the show wherever you subscribe to shows. You can tune in live every other Sunday on 8 beats radio 08:30 M Pacific Standard Time. Of course, our website is KGM radio dot com for all show downloads, track listings and merchandise, the And as always, if you've got a jam, you want jammed out on the show, let me know all about it. KVGM radio g dot com. And And my goodness, gracious sakes alive. Did you hear that opening track? Because I sure did. And now I'm feeling all sorts of feels. That was Medic from the Pc game, Evan nickel 2. The composer is a Pk turtles, which is you know, quite honestly 1 of the best composer names I've heard. Evan nickel 2 took everything you loved about Evan nickel 1, and, you know, did more. In a world where human civilization is constantly threatened by wild monsters only the rare few individuals who wield forbidden skills. Dare challenge them. However, these brave warriors have to face an even more dangerous hazard. Because with every skill they use a terrible curse eats away at their bodies. Only Alex, A young doctor wielding the forgotten healing seal known as Medic can hope to cure all the weird diseases the world, His unique power lets him administer a miraculous drug synthesized by his body. Through the seminal fluid contained in the incredible quote unquote syringe between his legs. Wow. How convenient. Up next, another Na satoshi Shin track from the Ps 2 game, Me Roman sa, Here's single, take a listen. Come on. I mean, now To shin continues making a strong case as the greatest. Smooth Vg composer of all time. That was single from Me mas Roman S on the Ps 2. Machine takes a step back from dirty video games for something little more kid friendly, mother approved. You see in this game, you take the role of the only daughter of a family that runs us suites shop. The game features over 800 different recipes to make. And during the game, you're also able to hang out with 1 of 6 different boys as you look for new ingredients around town. If you earn enough money, you can improve the shop or buy a new 1. It's fun for the whole family plus, you can get down to some machine jams. Alrighty. Let's head to the p vita for our next track. It's from Ko morocco Circle. This is what is love and it was composed by Rio Mit, joy. What is love? How do Ask that same question in 19 93. 10 years prior, howard Jones asked. But right now, Rio Man is asking it, and it's from the game, Ko circle on the playstation Vita. Here's a 2 star review from Amazon Japan, quote, the content is difficult for ordinary people to understand. Therefore, it was not intended for beginners, but for advanced users, The song itself was god, so I highly recommend buying it on the soundtrack and quote, okay. Fair enough. How about A5I star review? Quote, every girl is cute in quote. Okay? Agree. But can you tell me something else? Here's another 5 star review. Quote, it was the product I was looking for. It was a pretty favorite game. It was a product as described in quote. Okay. I'm done. How about a track from Pro Y Spirits 2014 on the Ps. The kona sound team presumably compose the music, check it out. Chug, Chug got, huge chew. The hype train just rolled into the station with this track right here from Pro Spirits 2014 on the playstation portable, composed probably by the Kona sound team, good grief. In 2014, the San Francisco giants the Kansas City royals to win the World series. But we're talking about Japan here. And in the 2014 Japan series, at Goo, Soft bank hawk, beat the Han tigers and kind of a blow out. The Mvp was a course say chi Uc ka, I mean, who else would it have been? And do you know who won the, the fighting spirit award? None other than big mess Randy messenger who retired back in 2019. Thanks for the memories Rand man. Oh, okay. Let's head back to the Pc for another track from air traffic controller 3. Here's stage 1, who is controlling the ground traffic. Composed by Ko, Io. Take a listen. Ko, Y letting us know what the heck is going on with this track from air traffic controller 3 on your personal computer. That was stage 1, who is controlling the ground traffic, which is a reasonable question. You don't wanna board a plane and then have to wonder who the heck is controlling the ground traffic. Great? Now the worst is when you board the plane and then you have to taxi around for an hour because the ground traffic is out of control. Clearly, no 1 is actively doing their job. Correct. Maybe they just need to be listening to the soundtrack to air traffic controller 3, you know, Maybe that solves all the problems. We're gonna stay on the Pc for this next track. It's from Castle Fan 3, Sink Renewal. Here's now then, let's start. Composed by Pi Mo joel. Oh, baby feeling good and the neighborhood has never felt so good. Jeez louise. That was now then, let's start from Castle Fan 3. Sink, renewal on the Pc. Pi Moe is the composer. It's a strategy role plan game with a little hank pink going on to satisfy even the horn upper middle management types. Anyways, not much else to say about this game, but we know P Moe knows how to jam out when it comes to jam out for Let's just go to the chase and get to another track this time. We're going to the Nintendo 3DS for a little did from Bingo collection. Here's result. Unknown composer, check it out. Something cheap short something sweet from the 3 d game Bingo collection, that was result composed by somebody out there unknown to me. But if you know, let me know, k g radio g dot com. Bingo collection contains 3 bingo variants, catch bingo in which you catch the bingo balls as it bounce around. Collecting the numbers you need to complete a bingo line, slide bingo where you move numbers around a board by sliding them 1 by 1 2 space, Line up the numbers in a row to create a bingo line. And finally, touch Bingo where you touch the numbers on a Bingo card as fast as possible. If you're like my friends aunt and love Bingo, this might be the 3 d game for you. Okay. Let's head to the Ps 3 for a track from Nat so, high school, station, H, the composer are Mu ish, and Ak Moto, take a listen. What a lovely track? I'm talking dream time Usa your courtesy of Nat High school station H show on the playstation number 3, U, la, your Composer are Mu, Ish and Ak Moto. And listen, we've heard a lot of great game titles. Over the years on this show, but the fully translated title of this game takes the cake. I mean, a hundred percent, some people just don't realize. It's called summertime high school, a young man's notes, how a new exchange student like myself ran into his childhood friend on the school tour, Then for some reason, became super popular with the girls for his daily scoops on this school photography club even though he only takes panty shots, and what he thinks as he goes on dates during his summer of island school life. There you go. It's sold. Alright. Let's go to the Sega Saturn for this next track it's from M Kyo G die Ko, Ken, the micron net sound team compose the soundtrack, enjoy. From Oh, baby, somebody pinch me, please. I don't think a woke up from that last track. This 1 just kept me in La la land. That was from MKG die, Ko, Chicago Ken on the Sega Saturn compose by the fine folks over at the micron net sound team, but it's time to wake up. It's time to slap some tiles down on the M board that is life by because it's that time when we have to say goodbye. But it's not very well. It's just Tata for now. And before we go, Here's ending 2 from super dimension fortress Macros sc leader on the Pc 98. To K Is the composer, check it out. The Ending number 2, super dimension fortress Across, sc leader, personal computer 98. To K. This is space boo right here, Good grief. We all know and love Mac cross as far as eighties and nineties space opera anime enemies go. I remember watching super dimension Fortress cross back in the day as a kid and thinking man. Space is a heck of a place, not only for interstellar warfare, but also romance. I mean, who wouldn't want fall in love in space. Thanks again for tuning in to the last wave on K gm. I sure do appreciate the continued support of the show. If you like what you hear on a bi weekly basis please let us know. Leave us a comment where a rating on Apple podcasts or Spotify. Tell your friends all about it. So subscribe to a Youtube channel for mix tapes, track uploads and a 24 7 livestream stream of all the last wave hits. Of course, the biggest way you can support us is by becoming a member of the Patreon and by doing so, you'll get access to some cool perks, including an exclusive show. The last wave of after dark And before we go, I've got a special request from listener Charles. It's from the Korean online game, Dungeon and fighter. Here's Sa Gate composed by He C, and as always, my name is Ham. Your host, and this is the last wave.