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Central Presbyterian Church Sermons
Easter Sunday: “And Peter”
November 17th: "The Confession"

November 10th: "Bad Leaven"

October 3rd: "Hearing the Truth"

October 27th: "The table"

October 20th: "Inside Out!

October 13th: "Tradition or Scripture"

October 6th: "On the Water

September 29th: "Feeding Sheep"

September 22nd: "Truth and Power"

Sept 15th: "A Home Town Prophet"

September 8th: "A Pair of Healings"

September 1st: "Saving the Helpless"

August 25th: "The Calmer of the Storm"

August 18th: "The Kingdom"

August 11th: "Make use of The Light"

August 4th : "This World is Not Our Home"

July 28th: "Spiritual Depression"

July 14th: "I Sought the Lord"

July 7th: "The Power of God"

June 30th: "My Refuge"

June 23rd: "The Grace of Affliction"

June 9th: "A Personal Lament"

June 2nd: "God is a Friend"

May 26th: "Cares of the World"

May 19th: "Finding Forgiveness"

May 12th: "Jesus Calls"

May 5th: "The Battle"

April 28th: "The Sabbath"

April 21st: "New Wine"

April 14th: "The Reality of Grace"

April 7th: "What We Really Need"

Easter Sunday: “And Peter”

Maundy Thursday: Trouble in the Garden

March 24th: “The Glory Returns”

March 17th: “The Touch of Compassion”

March 10th: “He Came to Preach and Save”

March 3rd: “Healing of Jesus”

February 25th: “Authority of Jesus”

February 18th: “Gone Fishing”

February 11th: “Triumph Through Temptation”

February 4th: “Prepare the Way”

January 28th : “The Gospel”

January 21st: “Yet I Will Rejoice”

January 14th: ” When God Shows Up”

January 7th: “Praying the Right Way”

December 31st: “Sanctification”

December 24th: “Getting to Bethlehem”

December 17th: “The Cost of Christmas”

December 10th: ” The Light of Men”

December 3rd: The Words of Christmas